Abbreviation | Word/Phrase |
AICTE | All India Council for Technical Education |
ALISE | Association for Library and Information Science Education |
APA | American Psychological Association |
BCI | Bar Council of India |
BLISc | Bachelor of Library and Information Science |
CDC | Curriculum Development Committee |
CEP | Continuing Education Programme |
CLISc | Certificate Course in Library and Information Science |
CLS | Certificate in Library Science |
CSIR | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |
DEC | Distance Education Council |
DESIDOC | Defense Scientific Information and Documentation Center |
DLSc | Diploma in Library Science |
DLIS | Department of Library and Information Science |
DRTC | Documentation Research and Training Center |
IASLIC | Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers |
IATLIS | Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science |
ICSSR | Indian Council of Social Science Research |
IFLA | International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions |
IIT | Indian Institute of Technology |
ILA | Indian Library Association |
INSDOC | Indian National Scientific Documentation Center |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
LCSH | Library of Congress Subject Heading |
LIS | Library and Information Science |
MCI | Medical Council of India |
M.Phil | Master of Philosophy |
MLA | Modern Library Association |
MLISc | Master of Library and Information Science |
NAAC | National Assessment and Accreditation Council |
NASSDOC | National Social Science Documentation Center |
NCTE | National Council for Teachers Education |
NISCAIR | National Institute for Science Communication and Information Resources |
PGDIT | Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology |
PGDLAN | Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking |
Ph.D | Doctorate in Philosophy |
RRRLF | Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation |
UGC | University Grants Commission |
A.B | Bachelor of Arts |
AeEng | Aeronautical Engineer |
A.M.T | Master of Arts in Teaching |
B.A | Bachelor of Arts |
B.A.E | Bachelor of Arts in Education, or Bachelor of Art Education, Aeronautical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, or Architectural Engineering |
B.Ag | Bachelor of Agriculture |
B.A.M | Bachelor of Applied Mathematics |
B.Arch | Bachelor of Architecture |
B.B.A | Bachelor of Business Administration |
B.C.E | Bachelor of Civil Engineering |
B.Ch.E | Bachelor of Chemical Engineering |
B.C.L | Bachelor of Canon Law |
B.D | Bachelor of Divinity |
B.E | Bachelor of Education or Bachelor of Engineering |
B.E.E | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering |
B.F | Bachelor of Forestry |
B.F.A | Bachelor of Fine Arts |
B.J | Bachelor of Journalism |
B.L.S | Bachelor of Liberal Studies or Bachelor of Library Science |
B.Lit | Bachelor of Literature |
B.M | Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Music |
B.M.S | Bachelor of Marine Science |
B.N | Bachelor of Nursing |
B.Pharm | Bachelor of Pharmacy |
B.R.E | Bachelor of Religious Education |
B.S | Bachelor of Science |
B.S.Ed | Bachelor of Science in Education |
C.E | Civil Engineer |
Ch.E | Chemical Engineer |
D.A | Doctor of Arts |
D.A.S | Doctor of Applied Science |
D.B.A | Doctor of Business Administration |
D.C | Doctor of Chiropractic |
D.D | Doctor of Divinity |
D.D.S | Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Science |
D.Ed | Doctor of Education |
D.L.S | Doctor of Library Science |
D.M.D | Doctor of Dental Medicine |
D.O | Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine |
D.M.S | Doctor of Medical Science |
D.P.A | Doctor of Public Administration |
D.P.H | Doctor of Public Health |
D.R.E | Doctor of Religious Education |
D.S.W | Doctor of Social Welfare or Doctor of Social Work |
D.Sc | Doctor of Science |
D.V.M | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine |
Ed.D | Doctor of Education |
Ed.S | Education Specialist |
E.E | Electrical Engineer |
E.M | Engineer of Mines |
E.Met | Engineer of Metallurgy |
I.E | Industrial Engineer or Industrial Engineering |
J.D | Doctor of Laws |
J.S.D | Doctor of Juristic Science |
L.H.D | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Litt.B | Bachelor of Letters |
Litt.M | Master of Letters |
LL.B | Bachelor of Laws |
LL.D | Doctor of Laws |
LL.M | Master of Laws |
M.A | Master of Arts |
M.Aero.E | Master of Aeronautical Engineering |
M.B.A | Master of Business Administration |
M.C.E | Master of Christian Education or Master of Civil Engineering |
M.C.S | Master of Computer Science |
M.D | Doctor of Medicine |
M.Div | Master of Divinity |
M.E | Master of Engineering |
M.Ed | Master of Education |
M.Eng | Master of Engineering |
M.F.A | Master of Fine Arts |
M.H.A | Master of Hospital Administration |
M.L.S | Master of Library Science |
M.M | Master of Music |
M.M.E | Master of Mechanical Engineering or Master of Music Education |
M.Mus | Master of Music |
M.N | Master of Nursing |
M.R.E | Master of Religious Education |
M.S | Master of Science |
M.S.W | Master of Social Work |
M.Th | Master of Theology |
Nuc.E | Nuclear Engineer |
O.D | Doctor of Optometry |
Pharm.D | Doctor of Pharmacy |
Ph.B | Bachelor of Philosophy |
Ph.D | Doctor of Philosophy |
S.B | Bachelor of Science |
Sc.D | Doctor of Science |
S.J.D | Doctor of Juridical Science or Doctor of the Science of Law |
S.Sc.D | Doctor of Social Science |
S.T.B | Bachelor of Sacred Theology |
S.T.D | Doctor of Sacred Theology |
S.T.M | Master of Sacred Theology |
Th.B | Bachelor of Theology |
Th.D | Doctor of Theology |
Th.M | Master of Theology |
ACPA | American College Personnel Association |
AERA | American Educational Research Association |
APD | Auditory Processing Disorde |
ATP | Association for the Tutoring Profession |
BICS | Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills |
CALP | Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency |
CAPD | Central Auditory Processing Disorders |
CAS | Council for the Advancement of Standards in HIgher Education |
CRA | College Reading Association |
CRLA | College Reading & Learning Association |
CSXQ | College Student Expectations Questionnaire |
DE | Developmental Education |
DE | Distance Education |
EDRS | Education Document Retrieval Service |
EMH | Educably Mentally Handicapped |
ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ETS | Educational Testing Service |
FERPA | The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
FYE | Freshman Year Experience |
GPA | Grade Point Average |
IES | Institute of Educational Sciences |
IQ | Intelligence Quotient |
KWL | Know, Want to Know, Learn |
LA | Learning Assistance |
LAC | Learning Assistance Center |
LASS | Learning Assistance Support System |
LASSI | Learning & Study Strategies Inventory |
LCLC | Learning Center Leadership Certification |
LEP | Limited English Proficient |
LMS | Learning Management System |
LRNASST | Listserv for LearningAassistance |
LSC | Learning Support Center |
LSCHE | Learning Support Centers in Higher Education |
MBO | Management by Objectives |
MERLOT | Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching |
MSLQ | Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire |
MUVE | Multi-user Virtual Environment |
NADE | National Association for Developmental Education |
NCLCA | National College Learning Center Association |
NCTE | National Council of Teachers of English |
NCTM | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
NISOD | National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development |
NODA | National Orientation Directors Association |
NRC | National Reading Conference |